The Underwater city of Shi Chen.

Get on board, all of you whose heart beats faster when you read about abandoned places. You’re in for a real treat…

You’ve probably never heard about an underwater city in China.

You read that correctly. Lake Qiandao, also known as Thousand Island Lake, is a man-made lake in Zhejiang Province, China. However, the fresh water in this lake has a tragic backstory.

Shicheng, China

(Chinese National Geography)

It was 53 years ago that the lake did not exist, and in its place stood a massive thousand-year-old city called Shi Cheng.

The city was situated on a valley surrounded by the Five Lion Mountains, that’s why it was often referred to as “The Lion City”. The city dates back to the Han Dynasty and is over a thousand years old.

You’re probably curious about the mysterious circumstances that caused the city to be submerged. That is not the case.

Shicheng, China

(Chinese National Geography)

In 1959 the Chinese government had a plan to build a hydro-electric power plant. 

Because a dam was required, the government decided to flood Shi Chang in order to build it. Isn’t that ridiculous? The historical significance of the city, including its old architecture and rich history, did not deter the Chinese government from flooding Shi Cheng to create a dam.

While this might seem sad, it might also have a positive side. 

Unlike what might have happened if the city had been abandoned, the water has largely preserved it. For a long time, people had forgotten about the city, and it wasn’t until 2001 that some scuba divers made the first attempt to inspect the underwater ruins. Following that, numerous investigations revealed that the entire city was submerged at the bottom of the lake.

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Because the lake is deep and contains over 1000 small islands, the hidden treasure cannot be seen from the surface. However, the Chinese government intends to turn it into a tourist destination by offering scuba-diving tours to people who want to witness the city’s greatness.

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