Minxiong Ghost House ranked No.1 scariest haunted house in Taiwan

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Minxiong Ghost House (), which has been crowned as the scariest haunted house in Taiwan by Yahoo Kimo, would be the creepiest place to visit on today (August 15), which is the spookiest day of Ghost Month in Taiwan. The Ghost Festival takes place today (August 15), making it the most spooky day of Ghost Month.

The Minxiong Ghost House, which can be found in Chiayi County’s Minxiong Township, has been ranked as the most terrifying haunted house in Taiwan by Yahoo Kimo. The Minxiong Ghost House took the first spot on the list of Taiwan’s top ten scariest haunted homes. Even though there are several taboos that are designed to steer people away from making ghoulish gaffes, the mansion attracts the most visits during the month of October, which is designated as Ghost Month.

It was a local businessman by the name of Liu Rongyu () who constructed the mansion back in 1929. The mansion dates back to that year. Despite this, it was deserted in a few short years after the construction of it had been finished.

The mansion is the subject of a great number of urban legends. According to one version of events, a maidservant had an affair with the man who owned the home. When the owner’s wife found out about the affair, she subjected the maidservant to severe punishment.

After that, the legend says that the maid took her own life by jumping into a well and drowning herself. It is said that ever since that day, her ghost can be seen wandering the corridors of the mansion.

There are also tales that tell of a Japanese soldier who took his own life by shooting himself. Throughout the years, Taiwanese soldiers who have camped in the area have reported a number of unexplainable occurrences.

The building has elements of baroque revival architecture, but it hasn’t been inhabited since the 1950s at the very least. Trees and other types of vegetation now cover a significant portion of the building’s exterior, indicating that nature has successfully reclaimed the structure.

Local high school students who want to impress their girlfriends by braving the ghosts that are commonly seen there flock to the location because it is a popular tourist destination. After that, they make their way to the relative safety of the nearby café in order to purchase some spooky mementos.

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