Inside The Magical Kythira Cave of Agia Sofia

Near the towns of Kapsali and Mylopotamos, the cave of Agia Sofia can be found at an elevation of around 60 meters above sea level. There is a road made of asphalt that leads to the cave, but because it is winding, drivers need to pay special care while they are on it. The interior of the cave, like the interiors of all caves, is chilly, and the cave in question contains some quite nice formations of stalactites and stalagmites. Even though it is July, the average temperature is still 16 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is 73%.

There is a beautiful church inside the cave that is dedicated to Saint Sofia. The ceiling of the church is open. There is a story that her body was discovered there, and in 1875, the people who lived in the town of Mylopotamos decided to construct a chapel in her honor. The interior of this church is adorned with a number of sacred icons and beautiful frescoes, such as the fresco that depicts Agia Sofia and her three daughters, Love, Faith, and Hope, which is located just in front of the entrance. The fact that relics dating back to the early Christian era have been discovered in the cave provides evidence that Christian cults were practiced there.

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