Inside Glasgow’s abandoned Gartloch Hospital that’s been closed for 25 years

As a result of the allegations of abuse, neglect, and terrible conditions, Lennox has been compared to the cult television series American Horror Story: Asylum, which has been drawing comparisons between the two in more recent years. Those who attempted to escape would be apprehended, placed in solitary confinement for up to six weeks, given excessive amounts of medication, and denied the right to have any visitors or contact with the outside world.

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Patients who did not require medication were nevertheless given it in order to keep them subdued and ensure that they did not cause any disturbances in the overcrowded conditions. In point of fact, only about 10 percent of those staying at the hospital actually had a genuine need for anti-psychotic medication.

There have been multiple reports of patients at Lennox Castle Hospital not receiving adequate care, which has resulted in their deaths or serious injuries. One man was discovered in the middle of the night with a fire started in the bathroom, and he passed away the following day. Another patient passed away as a result of a heart attack, which was brought on by extreme anxiety while the patient was being physically restrained. A third patient suffered a serious injury when a nurse threw a scalding cup of tea on him.

The Lennox Castle Hospital finally shut its doors in 2002, after many decades of isolating patients from the rest of the world and their families.

Before the hospital was closed down for good, the last few patients who were still there were either reintegrated back into the community where they lived or transferred to more contemporary psychiatric units.

Since that time, the eerie location has been abandoned, and the buildings have suffered significant damage as a result of their neglect. The once magnificent Lennox Castle is now nothing more than a ruined shell. The area is still deserted, save for the occasional urban explorers who are curious about the abandoned hospital and want to see it for themselves.

In spite of the fact that numerous plans have been proposed to renovate the castle and construct new homes on the grounds, none of them have been successful up to this point.

On the grounds of Lennox Castle, the Celtic Football Club constructed a brand new training facility in the year 2007. It is quite possible that many of the players and staff come and go without having any idea about what took place at the former hospital, which is located less than a half mile away from their cutting-edge training ground.

John Thomson, the son of Alexander “Greek” Thomson, and Robert Douglas Sandilands, who won the competition to design what was then known as the City of Glasgow District Asylum, were the architects responsible for the construction of the facility in the east end in the year 1889.

Since it was shut down, many of the buildings in the surrounding area have been converted into homes or demolished to make way for Gartloch Village. However, the Category A listed building has been left alone and is currently in a derelict state.

The towers in a Victorian-style remain standing, despite the fact that many of the windows have collapsed and the structure cannot be repaired.

A tuberculosis sanatorium used to be located on these grounds a long time ago. It was established to treat tuberculosis, which was the leading cause of death in western countries at the time.

In spite of the fact that it was established initially as a psychiatric hospital, patients were moved in order to make room for an emergency center at the beginning of World War Two. Huts were built on the grounds of the hospital to accommodate additional wards.

A large number of daring urban explorers entered the abandoned building and uploaded footage of their exploits to the internet before the building was purchased by developers.

Due to the fact that renovations are still being done inside the building, going inside is not only not permitted but also not possible at this time.

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