How to Buy a Home With a Dark Past

It’s like an apparition—your ideal house has materialised. Situated in a fantastic neighbourhood and near top-notch schools, this 1920s-era home has undergone a modern renovation using state-of-the-art technologies.

However, you later find out that your seemingly perfect house has a sinister background filled with horrific crimes or a deceased victim.

You think to yourself that this place may be extremely eerie to live in, or that you might be able to get a fantastic price on this joint. Choosing the more interesting route, here’s how to get amazing discounts on houses by purchasing a house with a troubled background.

Many Homes Have Histories

The past of a property can influence its value, particularly if it has been the scene of violent crimes—especially if those crimes were well-publicized news stories. Because so many people come to stare at the crime scene, the house price may initially rise due to curiosity or celebrity seekers, but it may later fall when the owners decide to move out.

Legal disclosure

If there is a bad history with the residence, a buyer may inquire. The vendor needs to be truthful. If the buyer learns something psychologically upsetting about the former owners—or about what happened in the house—and the seller refuses to provide the information, the buyer may be able to have the transaction invalidated later.

You might wish to avoid a house if it is said to be a “haunted house,” since the long-term market value of such a property is unknown.

Make a fresh historical account.
Following your education on how to purchase a house with a troubled background, you may want to think about the following for your own short- and long-term peace of mind:

Paint the home again.
Replace the carpet
Change the windows
Change out the landscape
Thoroughly clean the house

If you’re into Eastern medicine, you might want to call in a feng shui specialist. If you’re a Christian, get the house blessed by a preacher. There’s no harm in doing anything that could help you live in such a house and calm your mind. If the seller is motivated to sell, they may even pay the entire amount.

Death by natural causes

In general, there is no need for formal disclosure when someone passes away naturally. That’s a different issue, though, if there were items in the home that actively aided in someone’s “accidental” death. Are those steps rickety? Are the tiles in the bathroom too slick? Is there an electrical issue?

You should also inquire about the following: Did the previous owners engage in any illegal activities? Exist any shadowy passageways or deserted structures surrounding the property?

A bad history can make a good deal

You may truly win big for yourself now that you and your family understand how to purchase a house with a troubled background. Offer a modest price out of caution. Maybe the owners will just say yes.

revised from a previous draft by Herbert J. Cohen.

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