Ghost Village Chelyustino in the Tula region, Russia. A cursed place that the locals bypass.

Chelyustino village is an abandoned settlement in Russia’s Tula region. Chelyustino hamlet began to fade away in the mid-1980s, and by the early 2000s it was virtually deserted; some buildings were used by summer inhabitants, but only a handful of them were counted; the last indications of life were in this village in 2013.

Chelyustino village is an abandoned settlement in Russia’s Tula region. Urban explorers attempted to locate that location, but it was quite difficult to locate this hamlet the first time. It appears that the coordinates were accurately specified, and the connection on the navigator was perfect, but you can’t see it from the road, and that’s it. In general, the urbex crew arrived at this settlement after approximately an hour.

Chelyustino hamlet began to fade away in the mid-1980s, and by the early 2000s it was virtually deserted; some buildings were used by summer inhabitants, but only a handful of them were counted; the last indications of life were in this village in 2013.

The entire community was made up of 24 houses, but just a handful of them survived, and those that did were nearly entirely destroyed. Opened floors, damaged furnishings, broken stoves. A dozen homes have already been demolished, leaving only the foundations. Thick grass, moss-covered fruit trees, and perfect quiet create a terrifying environment, and as crows swoop overhead, croaking, the eye begins to twitch.

Of course, it has a plethora of tales and myths that have been passed down from generation to generation, just like any other abandoned location.

In the early 1980s, an old grandmother resided in one of the houses, an average old woman who went for milk every month and was visited by her daughter from the city. And now the townspeople noted that she had not come for milk for a month, and her daughter had not arrived either. They became concerned, went to the hamlet to see her, opened the door to the home, and there lay the corpse of this old grandma. They buried her, and then the devilry began in the villages, the milk from the cows became black, the neighbors were ill, the drought began, and all the rains passed by.

Then an old-timer recalled that the elderly grandmother was no dandelion of God. She used to run away into the forest and disappear there at night, do rituals, bury dead dogs beneath the nearby church, and once pulled a dead dog with pups and buried everything individually in different sections of the hamlet.

All of these stories are obviously based on myths and folklore. These stories began to swirl in the heads of ubex explorers after 30-40 minutes of trekking, and they felt nervous. The total quiet, occasionally broken by the cawing of ravens, combined with the cloudy weather created a menacing mood. Throughout the couple of hours that I wandered between the remnants of houses, the crew did not encounter any ghosts, wild animals, a revived old grandma, or anything else.

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