Fully Intact Abandoned 12th-Century CASTLE in France

A historic listed building has been abandoned in a remote mountainous region of France.
The edifice dates back to 1250, when it was constructed as the home of a French commander around the framework of an already-existing Romanesque church. After that, it was laid out as a fortress with a square layout, revolving around an enclosed courtyard.
Century later, a Catholic military order took possession of the buildings.

The estate was destroyed in the late 16th century as a result of religious battles between Calvinists and the Catholic league. Restoration work on the barns, castle, and church didn’t begin until the early 18th century, long after the castle and its domain had been sold as national property.

As part of the 1883 renovations to the western section of the main structure, a covered gallery was added to the front, where it overlooks the courtyard. The interior fixtures of this commandery are the sole ones that have survived.

When you enter a room, it’s as if you’ve been transported back hundreds of years, as if by some mysterious force everything has been frozen in place.
Join us as we explore and record the history of this magnificent but abandoned French castle.

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