Abandoned Zombie Hospital Kinderkrankenhaus Weißensee

Kinderkrankenhaus Weißensee is an abandoned Children’s Hospital facility in Berlin, Germany, popularly known as a zombie hospital. 25 photographs taken at an abandoned hospital in Berlin.

Kinderkrankenhaus Weißensee is an abandoned Children’s Hospital facility in Berlin, Germany, popularly known as a zombie hospital. The facility, which opened in 1909 as a possible remedy to growing newborn mortality rates, ceased for operations in 1997, less than nine decades later.

The property was sold in 2005 to an investor and medical cooperative with the intention of transforming it into a new clinic. However, the developer did not begin the renovation and let the abandoned structure to deteriorate. In 2013, it was set on fire 11 times. The local government reclaimed ownership of the structure in 2015, with plans to demolish it and develop flats. Nonetheless, the zombies are still roaming about this haunt five years later, looking for fresh urban adventurers to eat.

History of Zombie Hospital Berlin

Carl James Büring built the Kinderkrankenhaus Weißensee hospital in Weißensee between 1909 and 1911 as part of the mission to minimize baby and child mortality.

In 1911, the ensemble included the main building, the auditorium, the isolation pavilion, a farm building, a mortuary, and a horse stable with wagon remise. The isolation pavilion and church are built into the park behind it, and the farm building once housed a model cow facility. As a result, the hospital not only provided medical care, but also space for research and education.

The first municipal-run newborn and children’s hospital in Prussia was launched with a ceremony on July 8, 1911, after a two-year building phase at Weißensee, then still part of the Niederbarnim region. Carl James Bühring, a municipal councillor since 1906, took over the design and construction planning of the clinic on the site on Kniprodeallee, today’s Hansastrasse178/180.

The children’s hospital was integrated within a manicured park for therapeutic reasons, which was a unique feature at the time. In the surrounding neighborhood, there was also the “Milchkuranstalt,” which was an invention. The model cowshed and the local food preparation facility were to guarantee direct care for the infants and their moms. The extra milk was sold to the general public. The children’s hospital was utilized after WWII and was enlarged soon before the collapse of the GDR in 1987 by the building of a dormitory.

The hospital was closed in 1997. Following that, the site went into a Beauty slumber and is currently waiting for a significant usage. For a time, it appeared that the building complex, which had been designated as a listed building since 1995, may be saved: in 2006, MWZ Bio Resonanz GmbH proposed an utilization idea for the operation of a contemporary cancer research facility.

This remodeling project was never completed. Instead, the investor allowed the facility to deteriorate. In 2015, the former baby and children’s hospital was restored to the state of Berlin by a court judgment. Unfortunately, the interior and outward degradation of the structures has not ceased to this day…

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