The Incredible Over 200 years old Forgotten Homeplace Plantation Down South in Louisiana

The Homeplace Plantation was constructed between 1787 and 1791 and is recognized as a National Historic Landmark. It is also listed on the National Historic registry. Brick that has been stuccoed is used in the construction of the gallery’s first floor, as well as the pillars that hold up the gallery’s second level.

Cypress is used in the construction of the upper gallery as well as the walls, floors, and ceilings of the second floor. Clay, Spanish moss, and horse hair were used as chinking material for the timbers that were used in the walls. The term “bousillage” refers to this method, which was frequently utilized by the French colonists after they first arrived in North America.

However, Hurricane Ida tore off the roof of the building last year, and the owners have been working painstakingly to try to make repairs. The complete narrative may be found in the pinned comment further down! This has to be one of my all-time favorite homes that I’ve had the opportunity to film; ever since I read Ghosts Down the River, I’ve wanted to make a documentary about an old building similar to this one.

I’m really thankful that I had the opportunity to capture this incredible piece of architectural heritage. You can also discover vintage images of this location on Google Images if you search for them online.

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