President heads in Virginia is an abandoned park with dozens of 20-foot-tall busts of U.S. president, located in Williamsburg, Virginia.

The busts of 43 of our previous presidents may be seen in the President’s Park, an outdoor museum on the outskirts of Williamsburg, Virginia, where the Presidential busts first appeared. David Adickes, a Houston-based artist, was inspired to create the statues after passing past Mount Rushmore on his way back from Canada. Everette “Haley” Newman spent $10 million to create Presidents Heads Park in 2004 so that people might learn more about the presidents while walking among their towering busts.

While being a wonderful concept, the park was out of date and could not remain there. Ironically, given the magnitude and magnificence of these figures, the park was invisible since it was hidden in the woods, even though people needed to see it.

As the park went out of business in 2010, a guy by the name of Howard Hankins who had worked on its construction offered to transport the president’s head to his land. It took nearly a week to transport all of the busts, each weighing 22,000 pounds, only a few kilometers to the huge field where they are currently located.

The abandoned heads are located behind Hankins’ construction firm facilities, along a lengthy private lane. The busts are still quietly deteriorating as of 2022. Abraham Lincoln’s bust is one of the spookier ones. In addition to having a hole in the top of the head, it also lacks the back.

There were intentions to gather funds to move the sculptures to a location where everyone could visit them. All of the abandoned President Heads from Williamsburg are now arranged in three straight lines on the property, where they are let to deteriorate due to the often severe weather.

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