Inside of Chateau Noisy The Abandoned Gothic Castle

Edward Milner, an English architect, was given the task of constructing the castle in 1866 by the Liedekerke-De Beaufort family, who had fled their previous residence, Vêves Castle, during the French Revolution. The family had commissioned Milner to build the castle on their behalf. Unfortunately, Milner did not live to see the completion of the castle. The clock tower was built in 1907, which was the year construction was finally finished.

Their offspring continued to participate in the occupation up until World War Two. The site was used as a staging area for the Battle of the Bulge, and the castle was held by Nazi forces for that stage of the conflict.

After it was taken over by the National Railway Company of Belgium in 1950 as an orphanage and also as a holiday camp for ailing children, Miranda Castle was renamed “Chateau de Noisy.” Since since, it has been known by that name. Up until the late 1970s, it operated as a summer camp for young people.

Since 1991, the castle has been left unoccupied and in a state of total disrepair since the costs associated with maintaining it were too high, and attempts to find investors in the property were unsuccessful. The family has turned down an offer from the city of Celles to take over ownership of the large edifice. As a result, the structure is currently (as of the year 2015) in a condition of disrepair and is being subjected to vandalism and degradation. The fire caused significant damage to several regions of the structure, and now large portions of the ceiling are beginning to cave in.

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