A Louisiana Real Estate Agent Is Giving Away This Allegedly Haunted House for Free

I have a fantastic offer for those of you who are currently looking for a new place to call home. If you don’t mind sharing your new space with the alleged ghost of an elderly woman named Adele (no affiliation with the singer), this Louisiana house could be all yours for free if you don’t mind sharing your new space with her. Adele is said to be quite rowdy in the kitchen.

Let’s go back a bit further in time to the beginning of this story: During the month of March, real estate agent Sylvia McLain posted on Facebook about a property that she wished to dispose of quickly. Her company, McClain Development, had previously purchased the land and the home in question, with the intention of constructing new structures there. She writes that they “would love to see someone take it to be moved and restored” as an alternative to demolishing the property. She also mentions that the house was free to whoever claimed it, with the caveat that they would be responsible for moving and restoration work. She explains that “in an effort to save the history of the home, we are offering it to anyone who would be interested in moving it to another location for restoration.” “We are offering it to anyone who would be interested in moving it to another location for restoration.”

Aside from the few pictures and the brief description that was provided on the Facebook post, there is no official listing for the home that can be found. According to Metro, McClain estimates that the cost of moving the house to a location nearby would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $40,000; however, this number could rise as high as $80,000 if the house had to be disassembled, moved, and then reassembled.

There has not been a single taker up until this point. On the other hand, I don’t believe the cost is the reason people are staying away. If you look through the thousand comments that the post has received, some of which say things like “needs to be washed in the blood of Christ and the demons rebuked,” you might get a better idea of why the post has garnered so much attention. Users of Facebook were quick to point out that this house is notorious for the presence of “weird noises” in the ceilings and walls as well as other “unexplained” occurrences in the home. There is no definitive account of what took place in this house in Louisiana, but most people seem to agree that it has a spooky history of some kind. It is possible that the house was built on land that was once occupied by Native Americans.

The Mirror was able to get in touch with Dawn Vallot DeClout, a former resident of the house, who claims that the house is haunted by the spirit of her great grandmother Adele, who passed away in the front room of the house in 1967 at the age of 90. Adele, at 4’9 “, who was notorious for getting into things in the kitchen, “We believe [Adele] is the ghost, but she’s not menacing at all,” says DeClout, who left the house in the 1980s and believes Adele to be the spirit that haunts it. According to the information provided by DeClout, when Adele was still alive, she was rumored to always be making a racket with all of the pots. “”When we lived there, we used to hear her all the time jangling the pots when we had something on the stove,” DeClout admits that she would hear these noises even when nobody else was in the kitchen. She was well-known for that, and so when we lived there, we used to hear her all the time jangling the pots.

Is it a good idea to purchase (or, rather, pay for the relocating of) a house that has a reputation for being haunted? A significant remodeling endeavor has the potential to breathe new life into this structure, but the question that remains is whether or not Adele will accompany all of her pots. It’s possible that the cast of Murder House Flip ought to take a crack at it.

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