14 Haunting Sites That Will Surely Send Chills Down Your Spine

These photos will send shivers down your spine. Knowing their stories will keep you up at night. And being there will make you regret coming. Here are 14 haunted locations from across the world.

Military Hospital, Beelitz Germany

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The hospital began construction in 1898 and was finished in 1930. It was one of the greatest hospitals in the world recognized to specialize in TB treatment. However, World War II occurred. When the Soviets attacked the hospital, it sat in desolation. The hospital is an example of German ironwork and architecture. It has also been the topic of ghost stories.

Mary King’s Close, Edinburgh (Scotland)

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Until 1645, it was a bustling commercial hub. The epidemic struck this maze of alleys and tight apartments. Today, it’s a place you’d never want to be. Both visitors and guides claimed to have seen the spirits of an old lady, a black lady, and a little girl. Annie, the tiny girl, is known for making her presence felt and known to those who give her presents. Other strange paranormal occurrences have also been recorded.

Hotel Del Salto (Colombia)

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The Hotel De Salto first opened its doors in 1928. It was noted for its beautiful setting, which overlooked the Tequendema Falls in Colombia. It was shuttered in the 1990s and left to degrade until being saved as a museum in 2012. The hotel is thought to be haunted. The spirits of individuals who committed suicide by falling down the falls are reported to inhabit the area.

 Ararat Lunatic Asylum or Aradale  (Australia)

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Aradale is Australia’s largest abandoned mad institution. Aradale, which opened in 1867, was designated for many of Victoria’s incurable mental patients during the 1800s. During its 140-year history, an estimated 13,000 people perished here. Haunted location tours are popping up everywhere. Aradale Asylum is one of the organizations with whom the AHWA collaborates to give an annual creative retreat.

In Aradale Mental Hospital’s 130-year history, around 13,000 individuals died. As a result, Aradale is regarded as one of Australia’s most haunted locales. Aradale’s doors are now open for evening investigations for the first time. Aradale Ghost Tour is one of Australia’s most terrifying ghost tours. For two hours after dark, explore the facilities, where you’ll be haunted by stories of weird history, cruel treatments, incredible personal experiences, and, of course, many of ghost stories.

The trip includes visits to the cell blocks, administration, chapel, food, infirmaries, surgical theaters, and mortuary. Tours are restricted to 30 persons and are guided by a skilled team of theatre historians.

Stull Cemetery (Kansas, USA)

The History

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Stull, Kansas, is a minor, unincorporated community in Douglas County. It’s ten miles west of Lawrence and thirteen miles east of Topeka, thus it’s distant from a major population center. Stull has a population of about 20 people. But don’t be fooled by the charming village’s appearance. Behind the shrubs and in the shadows, a darker side lurks.

The Terror

Two catastrophes rocked the little town in the early twentieth century (please observe, these are not legends or folklore, but incidentfact). First, a father completed burning a farm field only to discover his little son’s burnt corpse in the aftermath. The second incidence involved a man who went missing and was subsequently discovered hanging from a tree. The notorious cemetery is where you may discover your fill of spooky knowledge in terms of the folklore. According to the book Weird US, the following is said about Stull Cemetery:

“There are graveyards all around America that are more than just haunted; they are evil.” They are regions so frightening that legend has it that the devil himself holds court there with his worshipers. One of these locations is the Emmanuel Hill Cemetery near Stull, Kansas.”

There are rumors that Stull Cemetery is one of the seven gates of Hell. While the old church has being dismantled, many people try to sneak in at night to see what’s going on. But be warned: the cops will be out in force, especially around Halloween and the spring equinox. The location is said to be so wicked that Pope John Paul II allegedly refused to fly over eastern Kansas on his route to an event in Colorado. The veracity of this final tale is debatable, but legends or not, Stull Cemetery is a terrible site to visit.

Chase Vault Cemetery (Barbados)

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The Chase Vault is a burial vault at the Christ Church Parish Church cemetery in Oistins, Christ Church, Barbados, most known for the mystery of “strange moving coffins.” According to the legend, every time the highly sealed vault was opened in the early nineteenth century for a family member’s burial, all of the lead coffins shifted position. The story’s details are unproven, and detractors label it “historically doubtful.”

What “haunted locations” list would be complete without a nighttime stroll through a cemetery? This enigmatic burial vault may be found in Christ Church Parish Church in Oistins. Legend has it that every time this early 19th century vault was opened to receive a deceased family member, all of the existing lead coffins (which took eight men to move!) were in complete disorder inside the vault. Each time, the coffins were replaced and the vault was securely shut. When it was reopened, however, onlookers were faced with a shambles of coffins.

Joelma Building (Sao Paolo, Brazil)

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The Joelma Building in So Paulo is said to be haunted by victims of the fire that began on February 1, 1974, after an air conditioning unit on the twelfth floor overheated; centered on the “Mystery of the Thirteen Souls,” individuals who died within an elevator while attempting to escape the fire and are still haunting the building today.

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Catacombs (France)

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The Catacombs of Paris serve as a massive ossuary and cemetery for roughly 6 million dead. There’s also a non-tourist area of the Catacombs, where a mainly illegal and unpoliced second city spreads for kilometers beneath Paris. Seeing skeletons inscribed into walls, in fact, walls composed of skeletons, is a terrifying and eerie sensation that one might experience when exploring these caverns.

‘Are you prepared to sleep today?’

Because I believe I have permanently lost my capacity to sleep.

Eastern State Penitentiary (Pennsylvania, United States)

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Eastern State Penitentiary is a former prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that was built in 1829. It is famous for being the first jail of its sort to implement solitary confinement, often known as the Pennsylvania System. During this time, prisoners were placed in solitary confinement as a sort of rehabilitation. They would be utterly secluded in their own yards, living alone, eating alone, and even exercising alone. When an inmate exited his cell, a black hood was thrown over his head to ensure his incarceration.

Because of the rigorous treatment of the Eastern States, many inmates were driven insane, and the Pennsylvania System was abolished in 1913. From then until 1970, it was operated as a normal jail, housing Al Capone and bank robber Willie Sutton.

Reports of the paranormal have been made since the 1940s, although they appear to have intensified after the stone jail was abandoned in 1971.

Lawang Sewu (Semarang, Indonesia)

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The Dutch East Indian Railway Company built Lawang Sewu (literally “Thousand Doors”) in 1917. During World War II, the Japanese conquered Indonesia, and Japanese soldiers took over Lawang Sewu. The basement of the B building was utilized as a jail, where many individuals were mistreated and many were killed. When the Dutch retook Semarang in the Battle of Semarang in October 1945, they utilized the tunnel beneath A building to sneak into the city. A battle erupted, and multiple Indonesian soldiers, as well as five workers, were murdered.

Lawang Sewu is thought to be Indonesia’s most haunted location, with many visitors flocking to the stunning structure in the hopes of catching a sight of the supernatural. The Dutch woman is the most well-known and frequently seen ghost among the numerous that have been recorded here. She is said to have committed herself there and was seen on camera during a TV show.

Its hallways and grounds are said to be haunted by headless spirits, while the basement of B building is said to be haunted by a kuntilanak.

Catacombe dei Cappuccini (Palermo, Sicily, Italy)

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The Capuchin Catacombs are burial catacombs located in Palermo, Sicily, Italy. In the 16th century, Palermo’s Capuchin convent outgrew its original cemetery, and monks began to excavate crypts underneath it. Bodies were desiccated on ceramic pipe racks in the catacombs and occasionally cleaned with vinegar afterwards. The catacombs were kept up by donations from the deceased’s family. The catacombs are presently available for tourists.

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Helltown (Ohio, United States)

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The History

Helltown is the eerie title for the northern region of Summit County, Ohio. Boston Township was the scene of a government takeover and subsequent wholesale expulsion of inhabitants in the 1970s. The homes were supposed to be demolished and the site turned into a national park, but the plans never came to fruition. Legends proliferated at an alarming rate, and who can blame the legend mongers? Even when it was occupied, driving through the gloomy, forested countryside gave you goosebumps, let alone when you had to pass by boarded-up houses next to the burnt-out hulks of others (the local fire department used some buildings for practice).

The Terror

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The recurring rumors of Helltown add to the creep factor, whether based on a kernel of reality or concocted in the minds of imaginative visitors. The sheer Stanford Road drop-off, followed by a dead end, is appropriately dubbed The End of the World. If you stay at this dead end for too long, you may meet your death at the hands of many of the endless parade of freaks roaming the woods, according to ghost tale fans.This procession has Satanists, Ku Klux Klan members, an escaped mental patient, an extraordinarily huge snake, and mutants generated by an alleged chemical accident. If you go off the beaten path, you could come across Boston Cemetery, which is home to a ghostly man, grave thieves, and the strangest of all, a moving tree.

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Island of Dolls (Xochimilco, Mexico)

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The island La Isla de la Munecas (The Island of the Dolls) on Lake Teshuilo in Xochimilco, near Mexico City, is one of the oddest haunted locales on our list. A guy called Julian Santan Barrera migrated to the island in the 1950s (despite being married to a young family).

Julian stated that a small girl began communicating with him as soon as he arrived on the island. The girl informed Julian about her death and how she was stuck on the island. He began to collect dolls for this small girl, frequently trading off fruit and vegetables grown on the island toorder to purchase antique dolls for her to play with.

Julian subsequently informed his nephew that it was getting increasingly difficult to quench the little girl’s need for these dolls, and that he was concerned that she wanted him to join her in her watery grave. His nephew was returning to the island the same day he had this conversation when he discovered his uncle face down in the canal. His body was discovered in the same location where the little girl had drowned seventy years ago.

Today, visitors to the island frequently mention the doll’s eyes following them. Others have stated that the maimed dolls speak to them, particularly at night. Julian’s and the little girls’ ghosts are also supposed to haunt the island.

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Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum ( Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

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The History

Welcome to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge repurposed this former high school into Security Prison 21 in 1975. The jail was used as a base for torturing and murdering inmates. The majority of the detainees were former Lon Nol regime military and government officials. However, the Khmer Rouge commanders’ paranoia eventually caught up with them, and they began incarcerating members of their own ranks. Many captives were tortured and duped into naming their family members and acquaintances, who were then detained, tortured, and killed.

The Terror

The spirits of the estimated 17,000 Tuol Sleng victims continue to wander the hallways, and strange occurrences surrounding the area are frequently attributed to them: and it’s easy to understand why. Most were coerced into confessing to crimes they did not commit. Although the majority of victims were Cambodians, the killing machine claimed the lives of several foreigners, including Americans, French, a New Zealander, a Briton, Australians, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, and Vietnamese. It is believed that just 12 individuals survived. To conclude this awful chapter in history, I’ll leave you with the real security standards, the 10 guidelines that all inmates had to follow. Because of bad translation, every incorrect grammar is expressed in context.

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